Dear Dow Chemicals, You have yet to compensate the victims of the Bhopal Gas Tragedy. You have a moral and financial obligation towards the victims and their descendants. How the hell are you are sponsoring the London Olympics? And just because the original plant was bought over by another entity does not entitle the new entity to go scot free. Dear Indian Government, Why is that you are ready to take steps against a person/ entity/ group only when the whole world creates a hue and cry? Lakhs of Indians are still physically and mentally affected by the exposure to the gas leak on that fateful night of December 1984. Your own citizens. Today is the 26th of January, our Republic Day. But I feel no pride. The real pride lies when the Government and its people work towards the safety and welfare of its citizens. Dear Anderson, Still alive and kicking, really?
I was saying..
I would love to see how copyright is enforced in the case of films where the core idea has obviously been plagiarized by the script/screenplay is different. Thereby giving no tangible evidence of 'copyright' violation.. :D
Da rodent- Its a disaster you know. I feel sad for the script/ screenplay writers. The copyright act speaks about a 'substantial portion' which is the catch word here. Most of the time the copycats get away by adding various unnecessary elements in their version and prove that the copied part is not a substantial part of their movie.
IMHO, the concept of 'Intellectual Property ownership' is fundamentally flawed and against humanity on the whole. We humans, build on existing knowledge. And, we have no right to claim ownership when most parts of it came from our predecessors.