Is my partner affectionate to the degree that I expect?- It seems this is one of the important questions that couples need to ask before getting married. Fair enough. Every human being’s basic need is to be loved and to expect affection from your partner is normal. But the degree is the main question here. I mean the degree varies from situation to situation. On normal days a person mite not expect anything other than the usual conversation. But on days wen he/she is low, he/she does expect something more than the usual. Its fine if the other person understands this and loads him/her with more than the usual share of love. When you are feeling low, even the tiny comments put you down, small fights seem to indicate the end of the relationship. To judge your partner’s mood and emotional needs is one of the most important tests you face in a relationship. I guess communication is the key yet again!


SamY said…
all big big words use pannirukke :)
Da Rodent said…
very very true. the best part is that it IS quite hard to figure when a simple joke will put off the other person :-S

Calculus is not as complicated. :-S
A said…
samy- ;) hey unakku adulai edavadu puriyalai na enkitta kelu. ok?

da rodent- exactly..Also the sense of humor of a guy is very different frm that of a girl.
KK said…
True... But sometimes emotions just dont get conveyed to the other person... In that case its better to tell your partner that you are feeling low... as Da Rodent and you say a simple joke can put off someone...

Actually dont get what I m trying to say finally :) So will leave it here...
A said…
KK- I actually understand wat u r tryin to say:) But then you expect that person to understand it on their own that you are feelin low...
SamY said…
** hey unakku adulai edavadu puriyalai na enkitta kelu.

yezhudhinadhe oru generalization he/she nu pottu ... idhule doubt veera keekanuma? :p ... u might hav as well left it as a she ... coz mostly it is so :)

"relationship" is a BIG word ... the biggest word ever :D

** To judge your partner’s mood and emotional needs is one of the most important tests you face in a relationship

but is it worse than judging what a guy commin on the road in the opposite direction wud do ;) ... he he

** I guess communication is the key yet again!

communication illai ... chemistry ;)

am still wondering as to what made arpi write this post :p
A said…
samy- hey i didnt do that.. It applies to both sexes. And wld obviously lean a bit towards a female coz i relate only to that.

rltnshp- the biggest word ever??????? I had no idea abt that!

And u dfntly wld require communication to emote ur chemistry rite?

Wat made me write this post- hmmm the obvious reasons:)
KK said…
You expect right, nothing wrong in that... but at times if the other person doesnt understand its better to let them know that feeling sad that the other person didnt understand...
Why Am I said…
for once...uve said something sensible:P..hehe...someone told me once..tht we put up with out parents/bros/sis at home ...and tht even if we get bugged and irritated we ultimately know tht there is this uncolditional love thing happening...but we expect a lot more out of our/gf's/bf/s/spouses...and have this preconceived notions in our mind abt how life should be fairy-tale like...appo appo put up pannanum ma:)
A said…
why am i- Wen we turn sensible enuf to understand that- thats wen u shld get married ;)
Story Teller said…
good thought provoking post.... happy new year.. btw
A said…
delhi_tamilan- hey u r bk!!!!!! thanks. Wish you a Happy New year too:)
KK said…
Wishing you a very Happy and Prosperous New Year!!! :D

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