Wonder Years
Was watching the Hardware Store episode from Wonder Years and it brought back memories of the time [wow i sound old] I used to work in my Uncle's firm. He was a Customs & Central Excise Lawyer and quite well known in the legal circle. But a man who lived by the old school of thought. I used to work there during first half of the day and then push off to college. Strangely, our college did not have any restrictions on what students should wear. It was upto your own choice. But since I had to leave to college after office work I was forced to wear white and black. He used to tell me that in order to feel like a Lawyer, you need to dress up in the Lawyer's colours. It used to bug me so much to go to college dressed in white and black when all my friends used to wear all colourful clothes. But the old man was really strict with me and din humour my pleas. He used to make me use a notebook and pen instead of the computer. He used to make me do research using books instead of using the online research tools which my friends who were doing similar work were using. I used to wonder why he tortured me so much. I was only a student and he should have surely understand how I felt. Now when I think about it, I wish I had a little more sense back then and understood him better instead.