Cant believe its 5 years since I started practising Law. Its time to renew my bar council membership card, for crying out loud!

Becoming a Lawyer is one thing I have always felt proud about. Since I was 13 and acted as Portia in 'Merchant of Venice', I've wanted to become a Lawyer. And it stuck on to me and I really worked hard to get through the cruel exams, entrance tests to become a Lawyer. And here I am today! Congrats to me :)


Ashwin said…
congrats girlie... way to go...i do remember the portia story quite vividly in fact :P.. and you gotta renew your BAR council card.. do ya really need to? TASMAC la no discount despite being a BAR membership card and no extra fringe benefits... why take so much trouble i say??? :P :D
A said…
Ash- not for me, but atleast can help ppl like u get some cheap liquor :p

Thanks btw :)
Viji said…
Congratz Arpita :)
A said…
Thanks Viji! How have you been?
Viji said…
am doin gd...Kinda busy wid working as a lecturer in velammal engg coll...
Arun Ramkumar said…
Congrats :)

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