If I were to give someone a quick update on my life, this is what I would say-
* Current jobs sucks and I took a day off today just to show my Boss how the place would fall apart without me. Aint I an Angel?
* I found a dead mouse in our living room. The methods used by the pest control people have worked, though not completely. The nincompoops were supposed to die outside our house. But probably found our carpet an ideal place to die. I found this fellow with his stiff legs in the air this morning, right after P left [my rotten luck]. So I called up P and informed him of the misfortune. He very cooly said- 'well then throw it out'. I was aghast obviously. How can I even go near a dead mouse, leave alone throw it out. So I said, I shall not and he will have to do it when he comes home in the evening. He then tells me-'imagine you are the last person on earth, then you would throw the mouse out yourself right?'. Hello, if I were the last person on earth, I would bl...