Ah this would be my first post from my notebook. One of the very few nice things that has hpnd to me lately. I'm actually not cribbing coz I know it could be worse. Am jus wondering if I've grown up to deal up with situations so well or wat. Sometimes denial helps. But people say thats the worst way of dealing with things. But I can tell you that it helps at times. Jus not think about wat hpnd. Eventually you are bound to put it at the little book in the back of your mind. It crops up now and then to give you fresh shivers of forgotten pain. But thats ok. Better than a constant headache.

Ok back to happy things. New responsibilities at office which I'm loving. Niece is showering us with her new found vocabulary which pleases us to no end. A nice long vacation this month end to one of my most fav places on earth. LAst but nt the least- A surprise treasure!!!

This post is dedicated to a very sweet friend who has undergone some bad things lately. Things will dfntly look up soon baby! Love ya.


dharmabum said…
when i think that not many happy things are happening with me, i go out for a walk, and look at the life around me. and feel very privileged.

hope the pain passes soon for u too.

where is the vacation? may i join? :P
dharmabum said…
and blogrolled. hope thats not a problem.
Anonymous said…
i know where ur going!!! my place!! have a gr8 time eat lots of yummy sweets and if u have become a non veg eat chicken roll!!!and all the best for ur trip.
A said…
Dharmabum- HAve started goin for mornin walks! And u are welcome to join the vacation!

Hey thanks for blogrolling me! I'm honoured:)

Anonymous- I kno - its ur fav place too. Thanks for ur wishes. hopefully u will have gud news bt the time i return:)
KK said…
Hey! Have fun on your trip... your new notebook seem to have added some flair to your post :P (Chumma, oru ice...)
Da Rodent said…
@arpita: whaaaaaa... another vacation? hmm.. grr., now I better plan something quick :-S
A said…
KK- Oh really? I prefer to ignore that ice part ;)

da rodent- ha ha so its now my turn to get u all green huh? Man am i enjoying this!
Da Rodent said…
@arpita: grrrrrr...
dharmabum said…
if you are back, why don't u tell us about your holiday and all...
You know what, your blog could fast turn into a travelogue. Penang, KL, and now a "most fav" destination. Hmmmm!
A said…
dharmabum- A detailed post shall soon follow!

santhosh- Ha ha the way things are moving, I think I shall soon have to ;)

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