Some people freak me out. Seriously. Now there is this lady who has joined our firm two weeks ago. When I was introduced to her, she made some smart ass remark about my surname which by itself put me off. But I'm practising this new theory where I've decided not to judge people in the first instance. Anyway yesterday I had the opportunity to interact with this lady during lunch. It seems she recently got married and her husband works in one of our rival firms. Two mins into the conversation and she started complaining about her husband. He doesnt take me out, he doesnt give me time , this and that. This went on for forty five mins. And this is my second conversation with this lady, mind it. After a point I couldnt take it anymore. I tried my best to steer the conversation to other topics she just dint budge. I gave up and made some excuse and left the place. Ok, I am not judging. She has major problems with her marriage and all that is fine. But tellin all this to a total stran...